Hammerfest, Norway
Hammerfest is a harbor city in Finnmark, Norway. The climate is surprisingly warm and it is famous for its ice-free port that is open year round.
General Information
- Location: Port city on the western coast of Kvaloy Island near the northern tip of Norway (70˚ 40' north latitude)
- Population: 10,287
- Area: 848㎢
- Date of sisterhood establishment: March 23, 1962
- Average temperature: 15.5℃
- Administrative district: Finnmark, Norway
- Educational facilities: 30 schools (4 high schools, 7 middle schools, 11 elementary schools, 8 preschools)
- Key industries: Fisheries (fishing and salmon farming), marine product processing, tourism
- Industrial structure: Fisheries (17%), public institutions (40%), tourism (17%), transportation/telecommunications (2%)
Exchanges and current status
- (1962) Concluded sisterhood agreement between Mokpo and Hammerfest
- (1963) Norway’s ship 「Barfomn」 entered Mokpo Port and visited Mokpo
- (1965) Korea·Norway Council visited Mokpo
- (2001) Mokpo City Delegation visited Hammerfest